Star Donor: Molly Ruben
How did you first hear about Flying Horse Farms?
FHF founder Jenni Belford and I had coffee the summer before the Flying Horse Away program started and she told me about this venture she and her husband, David, were embarking on. I was so blown away with the idea I had to get involved. I’ve chaperoned Flying Horse Away campers at the Hole in the Wall Camp (Connecticut) and volunteered at Camp Boggy Creek (Florida) and have also supported camp’s development team by giving tours and advocating for camp wherever I can.
What is your favorite part about being involved with Flying Horse Farms?
I think my favorite part about being involved is knowing what joy this place we all call home brings to campers and their families.
What is your favorite thing about camp?
There can’t be one favorite thing about camp. It’s the whole package. It’s the dining call chaos with all the singing and dancing, the individual cabin chats, the skit nights, and walking down paths knowing these kids are getting a life changing experience.
Why do you support camp?
I was fortunate as a young girl and was able to go to sleepaway camp for five summers. I know how that experience helped me as a individual. Memories still pop up and it’s been MANY years ago! Supporting FHF gives me such joy knowing I’m making a tiny difference in this corner of the universe.
What do you think people who don’t know much about camp should know?
I wish there was a way to get folks who don’t’ know about camp up to camp and see the magnitude of this beautiful piece of property. Once there, you will feel the magnitude of this magical place. You don’t experience this with many other organizations. I also think it is SO important to let people know there is NO cost to the families. The program is made possible purely by donations and grants. Flying Horse Farms is pure joy!
Where would you like to see FHF go in its next 10 years?
I would love to see Flying Horse Farms keep doing what they’ve been doing for the past 10 years wuth even more campers and families. It would be wonderful to offer this special opportunity to more who need it.
What is a memorable story you have of camp?
I fondly remember volunteering for a family camp weekend with my son. As the weekend came to a close and we said our goodbyes to the families, I looked over at my son during our debriefing and saw he was somewhat emotional. I understood in that moment that he got it. He understood the impact of camp.
It’s amazing how camp can affect so many people at the same time. Every person who gets involved with camp will feel its impact—campers, families, volunteers, medical volunteers, staff. Everyone leaves changed.
Thank you for all you do to make camp possible, Molly! We are so grateful for your continued support.