See the best in each other
a letter from nichole
Can you hear it? Do you smell it? We certainly SEE it! It’s spring! Do you know what else we see this month?
This month we focus on camp’s third core value—See the Best in Each Other. At Flying Horse Farms, we are absolutely seeing the best in our team, volunteers, friends, and supporters as we prepare to reopen camp.
By seeing the best in each other, we become better team players, create a dedicated mission-focused and friendly atmosphere, we are motivated to create the safest environment while having fun, and always committed to accomplishing big things for our campers.
Sling shotting out of a year of isolation, we have a robust calendar of camp programming – continued virtual and alternative programming, another round of Camp-in-a-Boxes, onsite Family Camps, and a reimagined seven-month Ranger Program. We are also offering Adolescent Young Adult (AYA) Camp this fall, with an expanded age range of 16 through 21, to support older campers who have felt increased levels of anxiety and depression brought about by increased isolation during the pandemic.
Seeing the Best in Each Other extends into seeing the best in this moment in time. Our FHF team continues to innovate and develop connections with campers and caregivers wherever they are. Last month, we launched the first Caregiver Fireside Chat series, offering parents an opportunity to talk with a medical expert about current topics. In February, the conversation focused on the COVID-19 vaccine. This month, families will connect with Dr. Justin Schrieber, DO, MPH, FAAP, from UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh to discuss the impact of mental health due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We also continue to ready camp as we prepare for onsite Family Camps to launch in spring. Camp facilities and protocols are being updated to maintain the health and safety of all who come through camp’s gates. Interested in learning more about these changes? If so, I invite you to join us for a Spring Into Camp event on April 24. Spring Into Camp will offer scheduled, physically distanced tours to share camp adaptations, safety protocols, and updates. Time slots will be limited, so be sure to keep a close eye on our communications to reserve your spot.
Thank you for being the spark that makes more good things possible for campers and families. Through your support, all your camp wishes are felt as we walk through the hole in the wall together again this year.
With abundant gratitude,
~ Nichole