All crew, no passengers
a letter from nichole
With this second month of 2021, building optimism and excitement is in full force as we prepare to welcome campers and families back for in-person programming this year! We also know you may have many questions. Questions like: What will camp look like? Do I need to be vaccinated before I arrive?
The FHF team is working tirelessly to provide answers to these questions, while also planning a dynamic, inclusive program that exceeds COVID-19 safety standards.
This brings us to this month’s core value, ‘All Crew, No Passengers.’ It rings especially true as we work to make Camp Possible—in more ways than one.
The FHF team has been the epitome of ‘All Crew’ over the past several months as we moved to a ‘One Barn’ team format. Evolving from separate (or silo-ed, as we’ve taken to calling them) teams, all camp teams have merged into a One Barn, One Team approach. By adjusting our approach, we’ve been able to increase collaboration, problem-solving, and ingenuity, leading to incredible things like Light Up Camp, the Campfire Drive-Ins, and Camp-in-a-Box. Program staff are helping with fundraising, the development team is staffing virtual programming, and the admin team is even jumping in to support the planning of events.
As we work together to ensure a safe camp experience, we aim to assure you that this team is dedicated to weaving camp healing and magic to every bit of the 2021 camp season. We strive to ensure that each detail is adapted to campers’ needs, and this year is no different.
While we get closer to that first gate-opening arrival day, you will continue to be updated through our website, social media, and webinars. Expect more information to come as details are hammered out and plans are set. This ‘All Crew’ crew will make it happen.
~ Nichole